Divine Gifts

by - 3:27 PM

Tim and I debated for a very long time about how and when to make this announcement, we came close a couple times but when the time came we just weren't ready.

At times we've wanted to just keep it private, close, and quiet forever.
But this isn't something we can keep quiet forever, we've slowly started telling those close to us and those we knew would keep this a secret and pray with us through this new part of our lives...

This secret has been a long time in the making, 7 months to be exact, and we've decided it's time to let it out into the light for all to see. So...

We're expecting again!
Actually, we only have about 11 weeks left!!
We're ecstatic and beyond ready! And even though it's been exciting and joyful it's also been really hard and emotionally rough. We've always tried to be honest with our feelings and will continue to be throughout this new journey in our lives!

This pregnancy has been practically perfect (besides the heartburn, if the old wives tale is true we may actually be having a hairy little monkey), barely any morning sickness and no complications. But it's also been really hard being pregnant again after losing Noah.
The innocence of pregnancy is forever gone for us and I think for me personally it wasn't real until after we had the anatomy scan to make sure this baby was developing perfectly.
Honestly, a part of me didn't want to become attached only to have another baby taken away.
Another reason we waited so long to announce it is because we didn't want people thinking that we were in any way replacing Noah!
Noah can never be replaced, just as this baby cannot be replaced!
Noah will always be our first born, our first child!
We will forever love him and grieve his loss until we can hold him in our arms again in eternity! Just typing that makes me tear up... we're still very raw, and who knows maybe we always will be, but we're ok with that... We miss him terribly; every moment of every day.
And now we have another little one on the way who's already captured our hearts along with Noah!

So now onto the info I'm sure you're wanting...
Noah's going to have a little brother! We were pretty surprised it was another boy, but we're also very excited to be giving Noah a little brother.
Picking a name was hard this time around, Tim and I absolutely could not agree on a boys name at all!!!
Until the day we were waiting to get the anatomy scan, sitting in the freezing cold waiting room for what felt like eternity... the last time we were at this place was when we found out something was wrong with Noah... I'm not fond of that office!
Anyways, we were sitting there going over different boys names when Tim just started naming off random goofy boys names and then said, jokingly "What about Theodore?"
We both laughed for a moment, then I said, "Wait, I actually like that." Tim agreed that he did too.
Something about it just felt right. So after the anatomy scan confirmed that we were having another baby boy and that he was perfect with no abnormalities we headed home to look up the meaning of the name and knew this was his name!
So in April Theodore Andrew Hill will be making his grand debut!
We'll be calling him Theo but here's the meaning of his name
Theodore: Divine Gift/Gift of God
Andrew: Courageous/Enduring

We feel it fits him perfectly!!

So we welcome you to join along this new journey in our lives through our new blog, where we'll be talking about our lives with Theo, our journey through our grief, our home, and just our lives in general!
We're currently on a mission to get as healthy as possible so we'll also be posting our successful new recipes... the unsuccessful ones will be hidden from society and we'll just pretend they never happened ;p

We want to thank everyone so very much for your love, prayers, and support. It has been by the Grace of God and through your support that we have been able to carry on. Tim says it perfectly,"Through this whole experience the best way to explain how we're feeling is joy and grief walking hand in hand" 
Again, From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you!!!

All Our Love,
Tim, Michelle, Noah & Theo

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  1. Thank you so much the four of you for sharing your lives with us and encouraging us along the way. Love and prayers continually!

  2. Congratulations! I Love the name Theo! Ben and I had a hard time deciding on Marty's name but after a study of Ephesians, at the end Paul mentions Theophilus (who apparently is the one who funded the travel and ministry of the 12?), I started thinking about the name Theo. I could not get Ben on board though :) Oh so joyful for you all!

  3. Michelle and Tim, I am very happy for you both. I pray a lot for you, so that God will bless you with many more kids. I am so happy, words cannot express the feelings. You both went through a lot. I know that Noah will always be remember,he was a little hero. God bless you and your family‼:)

  4. So excited for you all...may God continue to bless your family & hold you close in his arms. Gary & Melanie Sands

  5. So happy for you both. I CAN feel God's hand in this. God Bless you both and little Theo. Love you, Aunt Lena

  6. Joy thru tears, Tears thru JOY !! THIS IS BLESSED NEWS!!
