9 months

by - 7:56 PM

Theodore is less than 3 months from being ONE!!! I can't believe my itty bitty baby isn't going to be itty bitty anymore, but he'll always be my baby!
So much has changed this past month and I'm sure he'll continue to keep me on my feet even more now that he's mobile!

On that note, do you know how hard it is to get a clear picture of a mobile 9 month old?! I had to just let him crawl around and capture him as he went, but that's ok =)

As of last week he's 19lbs 13oz and 28 1/2 inches 

Ugh. I've tried every way possible to get this boy into a routine and all it does is stress us both to tears. So, no more trying to make a routine for now. If one naturally happens great, if not I'm ok with that. 

Ever since Theo grew out of his rock and play sleep has been rough, but these past two weeks have topped the cake, he FINALLY cut his first tooth so our nights haven't been very smooth sailing but they're getting better... Now if we can just get him to sleep in his crib for longer than two hours that would be great because this kid is a serious bed hog!

Still breastfeeding, but we've been introducing him to a lot more food lately. Were mainly just doing veggies but occasionally we give him a piece of fruit or a cracker. 
Any advice for introducing solids? 

My itty bitty baby isn't so itty bitty anymore *cue the tears* he's in 9 month clothes but they're getting snug..

I don't know what happened this past month but Theodore has decided that he'd like a bit more independence in his life, so he's crawling, pulling himself up on anything and everything he can and walking along furniture. He's certainly keeping me on my feet! Maybe this is the cardio I've been needing.. HA

An Update on Us as a family (If you're interested =)

We've been trying to transition into a healthier lifestyle. That includes cutting out gluten and sugar, not completely but mostly... we've done pretty good, but we've definitely been cheating quite a bit on the Starbucks which has a lot of sugar! Tim's lost 5 pounds and I've lost about 3 which isn't much but it's something.
We need to be stricter and not allow ourselves too many cheats!
But we also know that if we tell ourselves we cannot have something then that's all we'll want. I know that's especially true for me... if I tell myself I can't have Starbucks I'll crash and burn in a pitiful heap in the Starbucks parking lot bingeing on Iced White Chocolate Mocha's (I'm barely joking! I have a problem! lol) We just need to find a healthy balance!

We've made some goals for this year, not resolutions but goals we really are trying to accomplish and we'd appreciate some prayers that we'll reach and exceed our goals.
Here they are in no particular order

1) Get out of debt
2) Get healthy and lose weight
3) get our home organized and get rid of things we don't need
4) Grow deeper in our relationship with Christ

If you'd like us to continue updating on how we're doing with our goals just let us know =)

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  1. Just looking at this blog for tge first time and going through it id love to know how your yr is going
