
by - 10:03 PM

Those pesky little fellows. 
You never realize how big of deal they are until you have a teething baby. 
Lord help us!

So sorry I've been slagging on posts, life has happened so posting has not.

But can I just say THEODORE IS 4 MONTHS OLD!!

How did that happen?

I tried to take 4 month pictures of him but he decided that chewing on his fingers was a far better use of his time then smiling for mommy but I got a couple cuties!

He hasn't had a check up recently but last we checked he was around 24 inches and 14lbs…. This boy is getting big

He's kind of put himself on his own routine but it changes depending on the day. I've learned to just go with his flow

Theo has decided that his bedtime is 11pm
Tim and I are night owls so we've decided that we're ok with this decision of his.
So he sleeps most nights from 11pm-10am waking up at 3 to eat then again at 7am which he then moves into our bed and sleeps till around 10am. And this rested mama is ok with that. 

Nothing has really changed here. He's still nursing like a champ and switching from cloth to disposable depending on the day

Theo's  in 3 month clothes right now but quickly outgrowing most of them. 

Theo has started rolling from belly to back but only does when he feels like it and never when I want him too ha
I pray that's not a sign of things to come. 
He's also very close to rolling from back to belly but his arm always gets in his way. 
He's also discovered Anni and that he can fit a whole lot of her hair in his tiny little fists... So we shaved her because, well, 'ain't nobody got time fo dat'

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