6 Months

by - 10:46 AM

I've been beyond slacking on this blog but I'll try to update more often.

I totally missed his 5 Month update but I did manage to take his pictures. However I made the brilliant decision to take these photo's right before nap time so he noodled out on me... as I said, Brilliant!

I can't believe he's already 6 1/2 months... soon we'll be planning his first birthday! That's just crazy to me.

Here's how Theo's doing at 6 months

As of yesterday he's 17 lbs 12 ounces and 27 1/2 inches!

We don't have a set routine, I kind of threw that Idea out the window a long time ago. 
We just take one day at a time

We've been blessed with an awesome sleeper!
He's still ready for bed around 11 every night and sleeps till about 6-7 then wakes up to eat and then goes back to sleep till around 10 most days

We're still exclusively breastfeeding. I've slowly been introducing him to little foods here and there but we're not quite ready to introduce solids

He's in 6-9 month clothes now. He's long so anything footed needs to be bigger.

So many new milestones since our last update but the main ones are that he's rolling both ways. He's also been sitting on his own since about 5 1/2 months. I'm pretty sure crawling is just around the corner!

I'm going to try to keep the updates more consistent now that he's bigger and it's a bit easier to get a moment to sit down with the computer.

And now I leave you with his 6 month pictures =)


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