8 months...

by - 5:38 PM

In true fashion I'm late on getting Theo's monthly update up. Didn't want to shock ya'll and put it up on time or anything silly like that!

So first off, we still have no teeth...
Really all I wanted for Christmas were his two front teeth!!
They're definitely on their way. His gums have been swollen, he's biting everything, and I really mean  EVERYTHING, and drooling like a puppy!!!
When will these things every come through?!

He's right around 19 pounds... although somedays he seems wayyy heavier!

We tried a routine in the beginning and it totally didn't work. It actually caused us all more stress then was needed. However now that Theo's older I think he's ready to try again.
Since he's outgrown his sink bath we've been giving him a bath in our tub upstairs which has been the beginning of our new bedtime routine.
So far we just have a bedtime routine, which starts after we all have dinner at the dinner table.
Theo plays for a little while after dinner then we head upstairs and give him a bath and let him play in the water for a while. After he's has his fun we take him out, lotion him up, put on his diaper and jammies, and I nurse him to sleep. As we get His bedtime routine more firmly established we'll try a day time routine.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to successfully start a daytime routine?

Oh dear sleep how I miss you!
We've started transitioning Theo into his crib (which is in our room right now) He does ok for the first hour or two but then wakes up crying and rubbing his gums. I usually pick him up, nurse him back to sleep and try to put him in his crib, but he just wakes up again an hour or so later. Most nights he winds up in our bed where we all sleep better but we really want him to start sleeping through the night in his crib. Any advice on how to get a teething baby to sleep?

We're still exclusively breastfeeding. However the past month or two we've made it a point to eat dinner at the table as a family every night. With that Theo has become very interested in food and especially feeding himself, so we have been giving him steamed organic vegetables, (cut into bite sized pieces) for dinner, his favorite by far is sweet potatoes! He likes avocado and green beans but sweet potato he devours!
We're still doing cloth and seventh generation diapers. We switch up depending on the day.

Theo's in 9 months clothes now... is it just me or is it incredibly sad when you have to pack up the small clothes to make way for the bigger clothes? 

Theo is so close to crawling! He's got the hand movements but he just can't get his knees to cooperate with him. But either way this kid finds his way around to get what he wants... which is usually what we don't want him to have, such as the dogs tail!

Without further ado here are is 7 Month and 8 Month Pictures

8 Months

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