Fancy Pants | DIY Lace Jeans

by - 12:58 PM

DIY Lace Jeans

When you find a great pair of jeans that fits in all the right places AND are on sale... you buy them!

But of course there's a catch...
I'll be the first to admit I love the ripped jeans trend however some rips are just a bit too much. Such is the case with my new jeans. So I decided to get a bit creative; my first thought was to find a patch for the holes but everything I found was either ugly denim or american flag, which don't get me wrong, I'm all for the flag but I don't want to wear it!

I of course turned to trusty pinterest for ideas and in my search for "ripped jean patches" I stumbled across a picture of a pair of jeans with lace behind the hole and fell in love with the look, but the tutorial called for sewing which unfortunately I can't do to save my life.
As I journeyed down the pinterest rabbit hole I found Liquid Stitch!

With that discovery an idea was born, if I can "glue" the lace onto the back of the hole maybe no one will be the wiser.

Now, I'm a proud owner of thunder thighs so I needed stretchy lace, which I found on amazon

find the lace here
along with a tube of liquid stitch and some scissors, I was ready to begin!

The Jeans! I found them at American Eagle for $19!!

To begin, lay your jeans inside out on a clean flat surface, then measure and cut your lace to fit each hole you'd like to patch, as a safety measure put paper towel inside your jeans just incase any glue gets outside of the hole... it would definitely be a bummer to glue the leg closed!

Glue all around the opening of the rips, then place your lace on top of the glue and smooth out

 leave them to dry for approximately 24 hours

Then you're done! It's really that simple!

It's been about a month since I've done the lace patches and they've held up perfectly through chasing toddlers and all the bending and squatting that comes with being a mama to little ones.
They can even be washed but I recommend hang drying to make sure they last longer.
It's really that easy and as you can see it totally transforms the look of the jeans.

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