3 Day Refresh Review and Results

by - 3:16 PM

I recently discovered that I have a Candida (Yeast) over growth in my gut which has lead to breakouts, brain fog, Extreme fatigue, rashes on my skin and other issues that are tmi (to much info) lol

I had a couple options on how to treat this,
1) I could eliminate grains, dairy and sugar from my diet and add in probiotics and some natural anti fungal capsules
2) I could do a 3 day bone broth fast, starving the yeast of anything that could "feed" it but still get some nutrients through the bone broth
3) I could do the 3 Day refresh which has a lot of fiber and fluids and could help flush things along.

The 3 Day Refresh opportunity came up when my team decided to do it together. I did A LOT of research before deciding to go this route, if this was a "detox"(it's not) or something that would keep me in the bathroom all day (it doesn't), I didn't want to do that... I have two toddlers and as they say, "ain't nobody got time of that!" lol
So I decided the 3 Day Refresh would be my best option right now because I'm breastfeeding but also needed to get a jump start on this yeast issue.

WHAT is the 3 Day refresh? It is exactly what it says, a 3 Day Refresh! As the box says, It's helps you "Make a clean break from bad habits, jump-start a healthier lifestyle, and see real weight loss in 3 days, without starving yourself!"

The days are laid out for you with each meal and snack. This is what each day looks like...

Breakfast: Chocolate Vegan Shakeology blended with water and ice. You are also able to add one serving of fruit. I opted out of doing fruit for this program because eliminating sugar from my diet was one of my goals. I did however add cinnamon which is allowed

Optional: Morning Tea, cinnamon or stevia may be added but no dairy or sugar

Late Morning: Fiber Sweep Drink (just mix with 10oz of water)
This one was a bit hard to swallow so I just chugged it to get it over with, it didn't taste bad, kind of lemony but the texture due to the flax and Chia was, weird for lack of a better word.

Lunch: Vanilla Fresh shake (just mix with 10oz water) + one serving of fruit + one serving of vegetables + one serving of healthy fat
The Vanilla fresh wasn't that bad, I still chugged it but the taste and texture were more along the lines of a vanilla milk shake.

Snack: 1 serving of vegetables + one serving of healthy fat or 1 raw juice

Optional: late afternoon tea cinnamon or stevia may be added but no dairy or sugar

Dinner: Vanilla Fresh + one serving from the dinner recipes list

Optional: decaf evening tea cinnamon or stevia may be added but no dairy or sugar

My days looked like this
Breakfast: Shakeology blended with 10oz water and cinnamon

Plain green tea

Fiber sweep

Lunch: Vanilla fresh mixed with 10oz of water and cinnamon + sautéd spinach in coconut oil and a dash of garlic powder, 1/2 a red bell pepper with hummus

Dinner: Vanilla Fresh mixed with 10oz water and cinnamon + roasted asparagus + roasted brussels sprouts + sautéed green beans

I doubled up all of my veggie portions since I was eliminating fruit.

My biggest fear in this was that I would be starving for 3 days but I was surprisingly full/content throughout! I was also nervous I'd be going #2 all day long but I was instead peeing all day long lol
Days 1 and 2 were the hardest, just thinking "I can't have that, "whatever"" makes you want it plus I was having serious sugar withdrawal headaches. By day 3 my headache had lessened significantly and just knowing I was on the last day made it a lot easier to push through.
This is Not a program for everyone but if you're having gut issues, need a jump start out of a weightless plateau or need to break some dietary habits then I'd definitely recommend the 3 day refresh!
As difficult as it was, it was 100% worth it!!
I feel cleaner, less bloated, less brain fog, I have more energy, I'm no longer craving sugar and I lost 4.2 pounds and 5 inches from my hips and waist!

But most importantly I feel like I can get control of my eating habits again, now that I've made progress and broken through a year long plateau I have a renewed motivation to continue on eating healthy and healing my body from the inside out!

I'm actually so happy with it that January 1st I'm doing round 2
If you'd like more information on the 3 day refresh or would like to join me you can check it out Here

Here's the info for the fiber sweep and the vanilla fresh if you're curious what's in it.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at MichelleEHill@icloud.com or send me a DM on my instagram @michelles_losing_it

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